Urban Diary
未來故事 永續香港|Sustainable Future, Hong Kong Tales
Diarist's Notes
22 June 2017

In the previous edition of Urban Diary, we featured hidden artist Mackey Li and the handcrafted trolley he perfected ever since taking over his father’s metal workshop more than three decades ago.  Mackey’s creation ranges from installations displayed in upmarket fashion stores to competition use human-powered flying machines.  After carrying the torch of his father’s metal workshop Chiu Kee for 31 years, the artist decided to it is time to move on and attempt new adventure.   The blacksmith, however, cares about passing on the skills to the new generation of metal artists.  He donated machines to a young art group Wheel Thing Markers.  Members of the art group learn from Mackey the secretive skills of mastering the machines.        

Based in the top floor of a dated industrial building in To Kwa Wan, Wheel Thing Makers focuses on what they call bike art. They make bicycles.  They upcycle the neglected industrial parts, such as wood, tyres and other metal components, such as turning wheels into flower pot.  In June edition of Urban Diary, we feature wheel markers Gary Chan Pui-gay and Paddy Ng Pak-fung.  The due hopes their environmental conscious bike art will help stimulating the creative talents of the younger generations.

Chloe Lai

Diarist's Notes